
In this step, we'll set up authentication.


Neorepo uses NextAuth.js to handle authentication. NextAuth.js is an open source authentication library for Next.js. It supports a number of authentication providers, including email, GitHub, Google, and more.

Set up the database

NextAuth.js requires a database to store user information. Neorepo uses Planetscale to store user information. Planetscale is a fully managed database service that's built on top of MySQL. It's designed to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL, so you can use the same tools you're already familiar with.

Add your environment variables

  1. Open the Vercel project you created in the previous step
  2. Click the "Environment Variables" tab
  3. Add the following environment variables:

NextAuth.js uses the NEXTAUTH_SECRET environment variable to sign cookies. It uses the NEXTAUTH_URL environment variable to set the next-auth.url cookie.

Generate a secret

To generate a NEXTAUTH_SECRET, you can run

openssl rand -base64 32

in your terminal or use this website to generate a value.

NextAuth.js URL

NextAuth.js uses the NEXTAUTH_URL environment variable to set the next-auth.url cookie. This cookie is used to redirect users back to your app after they've signed in.

We've already set up NEXTAUTH_URL for you (see package.json), but you can also set it manually. To do so, set NEXTAUTH_URL to the URL of your Vercel project.